There are some people that are inspirational, motivational, and knowledgeable and Rachel Cosgrove happens to be all of those. She is a renowned fitness expert with many years of experience. Rachel started her fitness journey as a dancer and after receiving her degree in Exercise Physiology became a Personal Trainer. She also has a Master of Science degree in Exercise and Health. But that’s not all, Rachel is also an Ironman triathlete! She’s competed in powerlifting competitions, fitness events and has been a presenter at Idea World Convention for many years.

This year, Rachel Cosgrove presented CREATE More Ways to Get Clients in Your Doors at the Idea World Studio Summit. A session geared to help studio and gym owners know “how to set up a stronger system to attract leads, create meaningful trial offers and dig up more referrals.”
Rachel knows far too well how to run a successful business.
She and her husband opened Results Fitness 19 years ago. They were on “a quest to change the way fitness is done.” Results Fitness was one of the first smaller personal training studios when it opened. Rachel and her husband wanted to create something that was different by setting new standards and helping people in their fitness journey.
I asked Rachel what exactly Results Fitness offered their members that they were not getting in other gyms. “Sadly, customer service which has gotten a lot better throughout the years. Also strength training. Nineteen years ago women were scared to lift weights and become bulky. Thankfully now, things have changed.”
Due to her incredible success with Results Fitness, Rachel was able to write the best selling book
A book in which Rachel poured her story, her client’s story and everything that she had learned at that point in time about working with women. Several years later she designed a challenge at her gym called the Drop Two Sizes Challenge. It was a challenge created for women to stop focusing on the scale and start getting strong through strength training.
She wanted to help women know that the scale wasn’t an accurate place to look when you are searching for results. Thanks to the popularity of the challenge, she ended up working with Women’s Health Magazine writing the book Drop Two Sizes in 2013. She currently still works with Women’s Health Magazine on their advisory board and also works as a consultant for Nike.

Rachel and her husband also created 10 years ago a mentoring platform for studios and gym owners.
Results Fitness University was established as a way for fitness owners to become more successful by learning how to properly run their business. Through Results Fitness University, they invite up to 20 trainers to attend for two days. They show them around the gym and what they do. They get to learn the ins and outs of running a profitable studio/gym.

If that isn’t enough, the future looks even brighter for Rachel and her team. They have some new and exciting upcoming courses and programs for the fitness enthusiast. For those fitness professionals, she started offering Results Fitness University Inner Circle which releases a course each month. They will also be offering a design course where you can learn about their program design system. And a Drop Two Sizes implementation course which will be available soon.
I mean what more can I possibly say about this amazing superwoman. She loves working with women and helps other fitness professionals succeed in their business. Rachels helps us understand that you can be feminine and yet be strong. She wants you to know the importance of prioritizing yourself. How to learn to set aside time to exercise and feel good about yourself. And she definitely encourages us not to fixate ourselves on a metal object. An object that has no ability to see our true self-worth and beauty.
This is truly a remarkable woman. It was an honor to have had the opportunity to meet and talk with. I know after reading this article you will want to know more about Rachel Cosgrove. You can stay up to date at her website or social media handles:
@rachcosgrove – Instagram
@rachelcosgrovefanpage – Facebook
women’s fitness entrepreneur facebook group