Our Arbonne Picks for Better Skin and a Healthier You When it comes to holistic and healthy skincare; Arbonne comes to mind as one of the trailblazers. I remember my Mom using Arbonne when I was a child – targeted skincare using nature as its inspiration and focused on whole health beauty and …
VOODOO Face Cream…Magic and Mystery all in one Jar
VOODOO Face Cream…Magic and Mystery all in one Jar I was browsing the shelves of a high-end beauty store in Bangkok when I spotted an artfully packaged, black and gold foiled jar called VOODOO cream. I personally, love that name as it conjures up mystery and magic and promises of seductive transformation (a …
Allure’s Ban on Anti-Aging
Allure’s Ban on Anti-Aging I’ve been an avid Allure reader since I was 13. I literally skipped past the Seventeen, Jane and Tiger Beat (ok, maybe I owned a few Tiger Beats, because hello… Johnathan Taylor Thomas) and went straight to the good stuff. I loved reading about the fancy creams, cutting edge beauty treatments …
Bee Venom Creams
Bee Venom Creams Whenever I come across an unorthodox beauty ingredient I am called to try it. It can be mild; like a new flower-derived toner or an organic rice scrub. Sometimes it can be bolder; and contain ingredients like snake venom, snail secretions or something not approved in the US…those are always extra …
Rodan and Fields Redefine Line
Rodan and Fields Redefine Line I won’t get into the hot button discussion of MLM’s and Independent Consultants. While I’ve never actually been a consultant of anything (I can’t even sell a discount heater to a billionaire Eskimo) I have been on the purchasing end of many, many MANY direct sales attempts with …
Vampire Facial
Vampire Facial I recently had a Vampire Facial AKA Platelet Rich Plasma Facial AKA PRP Facial (damn, anymore street names it could join a gang.) I had heard about it but I did not fully understand how it worked or why it was beneficial. I got up close and personal with this treatment because …