A $90 Lipstick…too much? Or, just right? I love me some luxury…exotic cars, expensive furs, cognacs named after kings, the most exclusive makeup and skincare etc. While I have an assortment of drugstore finds and high-end beauty favs in my vanity; only a select few snag a coveted spot in my glam clutch for …
Pound It and Work It. How Drumming Can Get You Fit.
I remember the first time I saw a Pound class, I had just walked into Crunch fitness in West Hollywood to accompany my boss (at the time) on a tour and I was mesmerized by the sound and energy inside the class. I had never seen anything like it, it was fun, loud and in …
In Love with Victoria’s Secret LOVE Perfume
In Love with Victoria’s Secret LOVE Perfume I’m a sucker for Valentine’s Day; there’s a part of me that still wants a shoebox full of silly, corny little Valentine’s Day cards from all my loved ones. I’m relishing these years when my little boys still name me as their “Valentine” …a mix of innocence …
Are Sugarbearhair Vitamins or Sugar Gummies?
Have you heard about the Sugarbearhair vitamins that have been causing such a commotion all over Hollywood and the internet? Well, I hadn’t heard of them until my best friend ordered me a bottle for my birthday because her nursing friends spoke so positively about the product. Due to many, many years of box-dyes at …
Beach Braids
Beach Braids Since it’s cold AF outside I’ve been reminiscing of summer styles in preparation for next year. One trend I had been holding out on but jumped on the bandwagon this year were beach braids. Now, technically speaking they probably have an official name but I’ve named them beach braids because you can …