Corinne Events Fitness Food Wellness

Anaheim Fit Expo Was A Disappointment.

expo, bodybuilding, competitions, athletes, supplements, protein, exercise, fitness

The Anaheim Fit Expo at the Anaheim Convention Center proved that not all fitness events are alike. This year was definitely not as expected and I don’t mean that in a good way. This year alone, Opal and I have attended more than ten expos related to fitness, wellness, and nutrition. Here are just a few of the amazing events we attended: Sophie Uliano, Natural Expo, Idea World/Blogfest, Shape, and IHRSA.

I have to say that this fit expo was my least favorite. Obviously, it had nothing to do with the athletes, competitions, seminars or classes but more so with the event planning. My crew and I felt like we were at Disneyland stuck in lines that took up to an hour. Normally at these expos, you peruse through different booths learning and talking to brand representatives about their products. This seemed nearly impossible with the way everything was set up.

Imagine yourself in a single file line at each row of the convention. You got in a line and followed the people from booth to booth hurriedly grabbing a sample. You could not stop and talk to anyone to learn about the product because the people behind you would be upset.  This is how the whole event was like…lines, lines, and more lines. It was truly ridiculous. I was always accustomed to that type of line at the expos for which always give out amazing products such as caps, shirts, bags, bars, water bottles and more. But to stand in line for an hour or so for a quarter size sample of a product you might/might not like, was just not worth it.

The good thing was that this year I actually got to see some of the competitions which were amazing (rather than stand in those absurd lines). These athletes are so devoted, committed and talented. Even though I walked out empty handed, I did feel inspired by the competitors and athletes. 

Sorry, Anaheim Fit Expo…it just wasn’t worth the ticket price.

Here are just a few of the pictures I was able to take without the mass amount of people blocking the brands.

What are your thoughts on the expo? Was it a bust?

About Author

Corinne is a writer, actress, dancer, designer and fitness instructor with over 15 years of experience helping women achieve their fitness and weight loss goals. She is also a full-time mom to three beautiful little girls and five adoring animals.