The Facial Chronicles: Part 4 – The Oxygen Facial
With the aggressive, invasive and overall risky procedures I’ve been trying lately it was breath a fresh air (specifically, I mean o2) to undergo a relaxing, invigorating oxygen facial. An oxygen facial, much like the names implies starts out like a regular facial albeit more on the hydrating side (think, hydro, quenching and other product names like that.) Then, a bubbling oxygen infused mask is applied for the lightest, airiest sensation possible. Your skin is left refreshed and dewy and is then ready for the real oxygen treat…the pure O2 machine that enhances and revives your skin to #nofilter status.
This oxygen machine is a little bulky; definitely not something you could feasibly have at home- a long, clear tube is used to apply the concentrated O2 directly onto your skin. The application of a hydrophilic serum beforehand ensures total comfort and the icy cool air literally feels like an infusion of life onto your tired skin. The tube itself never touches your face, it’s simply concentrating the oxygen to target small areas like around the nose and inner corners of the eye.
The results? Totally invigorated and supremely hydrated; not in an oily, heavy way but in a natural, dewy way that screams radiance and freshness. I loved my results and it totally recommend if you want to try an enhancement to your regular facial. Now, for the burning question…does delivering pure O2 directly to the skin actually DO anything? My simple answer after weighing in the research against the claims is …no, not really. However, much like with other treatments the sensation alone and the relaxation of the procedure makes it worth it. Try it out, I’d love to hear your thoughts!