World of Dance U-Jam Fitness is Here!
If you’ve always dreamed of being a professional dancer, a television show like World of Dance is made for you. A show that showcases the most talented dancers from around the world. Dancers which embody all our internal dreams of leaps, pumps, splits, and spins. A show which allows us to get swept into a …

Hydrocolonics; it’s time for real talk.
Hydrocolonics; it’s time for real talk. My non-stop venture into the unconventional world of wellness has been going on since before I even had any legitimate health complaints. One of my oldies but goodies has been the discreet (until now) and occasional sessions of Hydrocolonics. This treatment had a bit of a moment in …

Revel Is Made Specifically Just For Women
It’s really tough being a woman. I mean, we get taxed more for personal products (pink tax) while men don’t. We have to succumb to companies packaging a product with pink colors and stating that it’s meant for a woman. Yet all along the product was made for a man. Its truly disheartening when companies don’t …