Glam Beauty Tools
Glam Beauty Tools I am a sucker for beautiful, sexy things; any logic or reasoning just goes out the window along with my credit card whenever I see something painstakingly attractive. Luckily, I am not a high-profile man running for office, so my weakness only extends to material goods. Still, some serious damage can be …

Hair…Lots of Hair
Hair…Lots of Hair Extra-long hair is typically fascinating to people. I get comments from kids, men, women about my long, long hair almost daily. The convo usually goes down like this…” oh my God I love your hair, is it all yours?” My response, “thank you so much and yes! It’s all mine now because …

Dermaplaning…the good, the bad, the ugly.
Dermaplaning…the good, the bad, the ugly. Have you heard of dermaplaning? It’s currently all over social media as the hottest new way to create the enviable, glowy, dewy skin lusted after by many. Yes, technically speaking it’s yet another way to exfoliate and remove the top layer of dull, dead skin but after trying …

The Search for Smooth
The Search for Smooth If I had to compare the beauty/fashion industry to Game of Thrones; certain cast members would come to mind as ideal for specific positions within the industry. For example; is Cersei not the Game of Thrones Version of Anna Wintour? Not to Say Ms. Wintour is a murderous, incestuous mad-woman …